
Sequential Character File Manager

Sequential Character file manager handles interaction with terminals, printers, modems etc.

         nam   SCF
         ttl   Sequential Character file manager

* This is a LEVEL 2 module
* Originally from Dragon 128

* Copyright 1982 by Microware Systems Corporation
* Reproduced Under License

* This source code is the proprietary confidential property of
* Microware Systems Corporation, and is provided to licensee
* solely for documentation and educational purposes. Reproduction,
* publication, or distribution in any form to any party other than
* the licensee is strictly prohibited!

         use  defsfile

* Edition History

*  #   date    Comments                                      by
* -- -------- --------------------------------------------- ---
*  1 82/07/11 Code inserted to initialize V.XON, V.XOFF     RFD
*  1 82/10/12 Bug in ctl-A fixed; (O,S --) 2,S)             RFD
*  2 83/03/16 Now uses one 256-byte buffer instead of two.  RFD
*  2 83/03/16 Made PutStat allocate device(s).              RFD
*  2 83/03/17 Removed high-order bit stripping.             RFD
*  2 83/03/17 Line Feeds no longer print as CR LF.          RFD
*  2 83/03/17 Sends SS.Relea to driver when process dies.   RFD
*  3 83/11/01 Extended editing facilities and SS.Edit
*            Getstt call added. Vivaway Ltd.                PSD
*    83/11/10 Macros added.    Vivaway Ltd.                 PSD

Edition  equ  3          current edition number

         ttl Module Header

* Sequential Character File Manager

* Designed for terminal/printer console-type devices.
* Supports line oriented buffered input, with line
* editing (backspace, delete, repeat line, reprint
* line, echo on/off, etc.)

         mod  SCFEnd,SCFName,FLMGR+OBJCT,REENT+1,SCF,0
SCFName  fcs  "SCF"
         fcb  Edition    Current Edition

SCF      lbra SCCrea     create
         lbra SCOpen     Open
         lbra SCOErr     makdir
         lbra SCOErr     chgdir
         lbra Open90     delete
         lbra Open90     seek
         lbra SCRead     read
         lbra SCWrite    write
         lbra SCRdLine   read line
         lbra SCWrLine   write line
         lbra SCGStat    get status
         lbra SCPstat    set status
         lbra SCClose    close

EXTEND   equ  1          include extended editing facilities
MACROS   equ  1          include macros
BuffSize equ  $100       path buffer size
OutBfSiz equ  32         maximum size of output "buffer"
 ifne MACROS
MacBfSiz equ $100 macro buffer size
endc ttl Open/Close/GetStat etc. page *************** * SCCrea & SCOpen * Process Create/Open Request * Passed: (Y) = Path Descriptor ptr SCCrea equ * SCOpen ldx PD.DEV,y copy Device Table Ptr stx PD.TBL,y for user GetSts availability ldu PD.RGS,y get caller's register stack pshs y save PD ptr ldx R$X,u get pathname ptr os9 F$PrsNam parse device name lbcs SCOER1 ..error; bad name tsta High order bit set? bmi Open0 ..Yes; end of name leax 0,y os9 F$PrsNam check for more name bcc SCOER1 ..error if so Open0 sty R$X,u save updated name ptr puls y retrieve PD ptr ifne MACROS
ldd #BuffSize+MacBfSiz get buffer size
ldd #BuffSize
endc os9 F$SRqMem allocate buffers bcs OPNER9 ..error; return it stu PD.BUF,y save buffer ptr ifne MACROS
clr BuffSize,u show macro buffer empty clr BuffSize+3,u show no macros installed
endc clrb *************** * This code may be optimized by "lda #C$CR" * In severe cases when memory is expensive bsr JAMMER * "by K.Kaplan, L.Crane, R.Doggett" fcb $62,$1B,$59 fcb $6B,$65,$65,$2A,$11,$1C,$0D,$0F fcb $42,$0C fcb $6C,$62,$6D,$31,$13,$0F,$0B fcb $49,$0C fcb $72,$7C,$6A,$2B,$08,$00,$02,$11,$00 fcb $79 JAMMER puls x clra JAMM10 eora ,x+ sta ,u+ decb cmpa #C$CR bne JAMM10 * end of optimizable code *************** Open1 sta ,u+ clear out buffer decb bne Open1 ldu PD.DEV,y beq SCOErr ..exit if no physical device ldx V$STAT,u lda PD.PAG,y reset lines-left count sta V.LINE,x ldx V$DESC,u now open echo/pause path ldd PD.D2P,y beq Open90 leax d,x get offset of secondary pathname lda PD.MOD,y lsra reverse read & write modes rorb lsra rolb rola rorb rola pshs y save Path ptr ldy D.Proc ldu D.SysPrc stu D.Proc temp switch to System process os9 I$Attach attach auxilary device sty D.Proc switch back to User process puls y restore Path ptr bcs OPNER9 ..exit if error stu PD.DV2,y save echo/pause device Open90 clra return carry clear rts SCOER1 puls pc,y error; return it SCOErr comb return carry set ldb #E$BPNam error - bad path name OPNER9 rts SCClose pshs cc save interrupt masks orcc #IntMasks set interrupt masks ldx PD.DEV,y get device table ptr bsr DenyDev disassociate device signals ldx PD.DV2,y get attached device bsr DenyDev disassociate it too puls cc retrieve interrupt masks tst PD.CNT,y Last Image? bne Close.C ..No; exit ldu PD.DV2,y get echo/pause device beq Close.B branch if none os9 I$Detach detach echo/pause device Close.B ldu PD.BUF,y get buffer address beq Close.C buffer to return ifne MACROS
ldd #BuffSize+MacBfSiz get buffer size
ldd #BuffSize
endc os9 F$SRtMem return buffers to system store Close.C clra rts *************** * Subroutine DenyDev * Eliminate ownership of device for this Process * Passed: (X)=device tbl ptr of entry to deny DenyDev leax 0,x device in use? beq Close.C ..No; exit ldx V$STAT,x get static storage ptr ldb PD.PD,y get this path number lda PD.CPR,y current Process ID pshs y,x,b,a cmpa V.LPRC,x is this last process? bne Deny.Z exit if not ldx D.Proc process ptr leax P$Path,x ptr to path table clra start with path #0 Deny.A cmpb a,x will this path still be open? beq Deny.Z ..Yes; retain control inca cmpa #NumPaths all paths checked? bcs Deny.A; repeat pshs y save PD ptr ldd #SS.Relea*256+D$PSTA lbsr SCGST1 send Release putstat to driver puls y ldx D.Proc lda P$PID,x parent's ID sta 0,s Try to stick parent with device os9 F$GProcP (Y)=parent's Process ptr leax P$Path,y parent's path tbl ldb 1,s restore path number clra Deny.B cmpb a,x Parent still own path? beq Deny.C Yes; return control to parent inca cmpa #NumPaths bcs Deny.B repeat until all paths checked clr 0,s Nobody responsible for abort signals Deny.C lda 0,s responsible party ldx 2,s Static storage ptr sta V.LPRC,x Deny.Z puls pc,y,x,b,a *************** ifne MACROS
******************** * Install a macro * SCInMac lda R$Y,u get keycode beq SCInMac6 ..none; no action bsr SCClrM clear the macro if it exists ldb R$Y+1,u get length beq SCInMac6 ..none; exit ldx PD.BUF,y get a buffer ptr leax BuffSize+MacBfSiz,x point at end of macro buffer pshs x save it leax -MacBfSiz+3,x point at macro buffer SCInMac1 lda ,x+ get code beq SCInMac2 skip if empty ldb ,x+ get byte count abx skip this entry cmpx ,s any more room? bcc SCInMac3; error - no room bra SCInMac1 ..try next SCInMac2 ldb R$Y+1,u get byte count pshs x save ptr abx add in byte count leax 1,x plus room for byte count cmpx 2,s enough room? bhi SCInMac4 beq SCInMac5 exactly fills it clr ,x clear next entry SCInMac5 puls x retrieve ptr stb ,x+ set byte count clra pshs y,b,a stack byte count and PD ptr lda R$Y,u get key code sta -2,x set it ldy D.Proc get process ptr lda P$Task,y get source task ldb D.SysTsk get destination task (system) ldu R$X,u get source ptr exg x,u swap ptrs puls y get byte count os9 F$Move copy the macro puls y retrieve PD Ptr leas 2,s return scratch SCInMac6 clrb no error rts SCInMac4 leas 2,s ditch scratch SCInMac3 leas 2,s ditch scratch comb error - ldb #E$MemFul no room rts ******************** * Clear a macro * SCClrM ldx PD.BUF,y get buffer ptr leax BuffSize,x point at macro buffer lda R$Y,u get key to delete beq SCClrM3 ..clear all leax MacBfSiz,x calculate buffer end pshs x save it leax -MacBfSiz+3,x back to buffer SCClrM1 cmpa ,x this one? beq SCClrM2 ..yes tst ,x+ end of buffer? beq SCClrM4 ..yes; not found ldb ,x+ get entry size abx skip this entry cmpx ,s end of buffer? bcs SCClrM1; try again bra SCClrM4 ..not found SCClrM2 ldb 1,x get byte count pshs y save PD ptr tfr x,y copy ptr abx point to next entry leax 2,x code and count SCClrM7 cmpx 2,s end of buffer? bcc SCClrM5 ..yes; no copy needed tst ,x entry to copy? beq SCClrM5 lda ,x+ copy code sta ,y+ ldb ,x+ get byte count stb ,y+ copy it SCClrM6 lda ,x+ copy the data sta ,y+ decb bne SCClrM6 bra SCClrM7 copy next SCClrM5 clr ,y delete last entry puls y retrieve PD ptr SCClrM4 leas 2,s ditch scratch clrb no error rts SCClrM3 clr 3,x delete first entry (and so all) rts ******************** * Find a macro * SCFMac ldx PD.BUF,y get buffer ptr leax BuffSize+MacBfSiz,x point past macro buffer pshs x save end pointer leax -MacBfSiz+3,x point at buffer SCFMac1 tst ,x+ end of entries? beq SCFMac3 ..yes; not found ldb ,x+ get byte count cmpa -2,x this one? beq SCFMac2 ..yes; found it abx skip this entry cmpx ,s end of buffer? bcs SCFMac1; try next SCFMac3 comb error - not found SCFMac2 leas 2,s ditch scratch rts
endc SCGStat ldx PD.RGS,y lda R$B,x get status code ifne EXTEND
cmpa #SS.Edit edit line? beq SCEdit ..yes; do it
endc cmpa #SS.OPT copy options stat? beq SCRETN ..yes; return OK ldb #D$GSTA SCGST1 pshs A save function code clra extend entry offset to two bytes ldx PD.DEV,y dev tbl ptr ldu V$STAT,x static storage for driver ldx V$DRIV,x addd M$Exec,x driver's lbra table leax D,X puls a restore status function code jmp 0,x into the hands of a friendly driver SCPstat lbsr SCALOC allocate device(s) bsr PutStat pshs b,cc save error status lbsr IODONE puls pc,b,cc PutStat lda R$B,u get status code ifne MACROS
cmpa #SS.SMac set macro? lbeq SCInMac ..yes cmpa #SS.CMac clear macro? lbeq SCClrM ..yes
endc ldb #D$PSTA cmpa #SS.Opt set options? bne SCGST1 ..No; pass status call to driver pshs y save PD ptr ldx D.Proc get process ptr lda P$Task,x get process task ldb D.SysTsk get system task ldx R$X,u get user's option bytes leau PD.OPT,y get options ptr ldy #OptCnt get byte count os9 F$Move copy options puls y retrieve PD ptr SCRETN rts ttl Input Routines page ifne EXTEND
*************** * Scedit * Process Edit Line Request * * Passed: (Y)=File Descriptor Static Storage * User regs: (X)=Pointer to buffer * (Y)=Max byte count * (U)=Start cursor position SCEdit lbsr SCALOC Allocate device(s) bcs SCRETN exit if not allocated ldx R$Y,u get byte count lbeq SCRead3; return (gained ownership) tst R$Y,u byte count > 255? beq SCEdit10 ldx #256 max 256 SCEdit10 pshs y,x ldx D.Proc lda P$Task,x ldb D.SysTsk ldx R$X,u ldu PD.BUF,y ldy ,s os9 F$Move puls y,x tfr u,d leax d,x pshs x lbsr SCRPET ldu PD.RGS,y lda R$U+1,u pshs b cmpa ,s+ bcs SCEdit12 tfr b,a SCEdit12 pshs a subb ,s+ pshs b tfr a,b clra addd PD.BUF,y tfr d,u ldb ,s+ beq SCEDIT15 bsr SCEdit20 SCEDIT15 lbra SCRd20 SCEdit20 pshs b lbra SCDLL2
endc *************** * SCRead * Process Read Request * * Passed: (Y)=File Descriptor Static Storage SCRead lbsr SCALOC allocate devices bcs SCRETN inc PD.RAW,y ldx R$Y,u lbeq SCRead4 pshs x ifne EXTEND
ldu PD.BUF,y reset buffer ptr ldx #0 and byte count
endc ifne MACROS
pshs x,a save regs ldx BuffSize+1,u get possible current macro ptr ldb BuffSize,u is there some? bne SCRead5 ..yes; send it puls x,a retrieve regs
endc lbsr GetChr get character bcs SCERR tsta null byte? beq SCRead2 cmpa PD.EOF,y bne SCRead15 SCEOFX ldb #E$EOF SCERR leas 2,s pshs b bsr SCRead3 comb puls pc,b SCRead1 tfr x,d tstb bne SCRead12 lbsr RetData ldu PD.BUF,y SCRead12 lbsr GetChr bcs SCERR ifne MACROS
SCRead15 pshs x,a pshs y lbsr SCGetDev bcs SCRead8 cmpa PD.LdIn-PD.OPT,y bne SCRead8 ldy ,s lbsr GetChr ora #$80 bcc SCRead8 leas 5,s bra SCERR SCRead8 puls y sta ,s lbsr SCFMac bcc SCRead5 puls x,a tst PD.EKO,y echo on?
SCRead15 pshs x,a tst PD.EKO,y echo on?
endc beq SCRead2 lbsr PutDv2 Print character SCRead2 leax 1,x sta ,u+ beq SCRead22 cmpa PD.EOR,y beq SCRead25 SCRead22 cmpx ,s bcs SCRead1 SCRead25 leas 2,s SCRead3 lbsr RetData ldu PD.RGS,y stx R$Y,u SCRead4 lbra IODONE ifne MACROS
SCRead5 leas 1,s pshs x,b SCRead6 ldx 1,s lda ,x+ sta ,u+ stx 1,s dec ,s tst PD.EKO,y beq SCRead62 lbsr PutDv2 Print character SCRead62 ldx 3,s leax 1,x stx 3,s cmpx 5,s bcc SCRead7 tfr x,d tstb bne SCRead65 lbsr RetData ldu PD.BUF,y SCRead65 tst ,s bne SCRead6 leas 5,s lbra SCRead12 SCRead7 ldx PD.BUF,y puls b stb BuffSize,x puls b,a std BuffSize+1,x puls x bra SCRead25
endc page *************** * SCRdLine * Buffer a line from the Input device * using line-editing functions * Passed: (Y)=File Descriptor address * (U)=Caller's register stack SCRdLine lbsr SCALOC Allocate device(s) ifne EXTEND
lbcs SCRETN ..exit if not allocated
endc SCRd05 ldx R$Y,u Get byte count beq SCRead3; return (gained ownership) tst R$Y,u Byte count above 255? beq SCRd10 ldx #256 Maximum of 256 permitted ifne EXTEND
SCRd10 tfr x,d addd PD.BUF,y pshs b,a
endc lbsr SCDEL9 ifne MACROS
clr BuffSize,u cancel any current macro
endc SCRd20 lbsr GetChr Input one char lbcs SCABT ..i/o tremors, abort * anda #$7F was used to strip high bit tsta null? beq SCRd30 Ignore control char checking if null ldb #PD.BSP SCRd25 cmpa b,y control character? beq SCCTLC ..yes; dispatch to routine incb cmpb #PD.QUT more to check? bls SCRd25 ..yes; repeat ifne EXTEND
pshs y save path descriptor ptr bsr SCGetDev get device descriptor options ptr bcs SCRd27 skip if editing functions not available cmpa PD.LdIn-PD.OPT,Y lead-in code? bne SCRd60 pshs y save options ptr ldy 2,s retrieve PD ptr lbsr GetChr get next chr puls y restore options ptr bcs SCRd90 ..error ora #$80 set bit 7 for matching SCRd60 ldb #PD.QUT+1 point to next dispatch table leay PD.Left-PD.OPT,y point at edit key-codes SCRd65 cmpa ,y+ this key? beq SCRd70 ..yes incb cmpb #PD.QUT+PD.DEol-PD.Left+1 more? bls SCRd65 ..yes * anda #$7F used to clear bit 7 and fall through SCRd27 puls y retrieve PD ptr
endc ifne MACROS
lbra SCChkMac check for macros
endc SCRd35 leax 1,x cmpx 0,s ifne EXTEND
leax -1,x
endc blo SCRd40 SCRd37 lda PD.OVF,y lbsr OUTCHR ifeq EXTEND
endc bra SCRd20 SCRd40 lbsr UPCASE ifne EXTEND
lbsr SCINS
endc SCRd50 bra SCRd20 Go get more ifne EXTEND
SCRd90 puls y lbra SCABT SCRd70 puls y retrieve path descriptor ptr, fall through
endc SCCTLC pshs pc,x save regs leax CTLTBL,pcr get dispatch table subb #PD.BSP ifne EXTEND
pshs a save chr lslb two bytes per entry ldd b,x get routine offset leax d,x make routine address puls a retrieve chr
endc stx 2,s address of table dispatch puls x jsr [,s++] call routine ifne EXTEND
lbra SCRd20 back to main loop
endc ifne EXTEND
page * Process "Edit" character SCGetDev pshs a save A lda PD.Edit,y pshs a ldy PD.DEV,y ldy V$DESC,y leay M$DTyp,y coma lda ,s+ editing functions available? bne SCGetD1 clra clear carry SCGetD1 puls pc,a
endc ********** * Path control char Dispatch Table CTLTBL ifne EXTEND
fdb SCBSP-CTLTBL Pd.bsp fdb SCDEL-CTLTBL Pd.del fdb SCEOL-CTLTBL Pd.eor fdb SCEOF-CTLTBL Pd.eof fdb SCPRNT-CTLTBL Pd.rpr fdb SCRPET-CTLTBL Pd.dup fdb SCDEL4-CTLTBL Pd.psc (ignore) fdb SCDEL-CTLTBL fdb SCDEL-CTLTBL Pd.qut fdb SCLFT-CTLTBL Pd.left fdb SCRT-CTLTBL Pd.right fdb SCDLRT-CTLTBL Pd.delch fdb SCDELR-CTLTBL Pd.deol
endc SCEOL leas 2,s discard return addr ifne EXTEND
bsr SCMKEL Mark end of line with CR
endc lbsr CHKEKO Echo character ldu PD.RGS,y ifne EXTEND
bsr SCGetLen calculate number of chrs
endc leax 1,x count CR stx R$Y,u lbsr RetData return line leas 2,s ditch max count lbra IODONE ifne EXTEND
SCGetLen exg x,d calculate line length subd PD.BUF,y exg d,x rts SCMKEL lda #C$CR sta ,x rts SCChkEol pshs x cmpu ,s puls pc,x
endc SCEOF leas 2,s ifne EXTEND
cmpx PD.BUF,y lbne SCRd30 ldx #0 lbra SCEOFX
endc SCABT pshs b ifne EXTEND
endc ifne EXTEND
lbsr EKOCR
endc puls b lbra SCERR ifne EXTEND
* Delete line left SCDEL tfr u,d subd PD.BUF,y beq SCDEL4 pshs b pshs b pshs b pshs y ldy PD.BUF,y bsr SCChkEol bcc SCDEL5 SCDEL1 lda ,u+ sta ,y+ inc $04,s bsr SCChkEol bcs SCDEL1 SCDEL5 leax ,y puls y ldu PD.BUF,y tst PD.DLO,y beq SCDEL2 leas $03,s lbra EKOCR SCDEL4 rts SCDEL2 bsr SCMLFT dec ,s bne SCDEL2 lbsr SCShLn SCDEL3 bsr SCSPACE dec 1,s bne SCDEL3 leas $02,s lbra SCDLL2 * Delete line right SCDELR clr ,-s clear counter pshs u,x save cursor and EOL ptr leax ,u new EOL ptr SCDELR1 cmpu ,s check end of line beq SCDELR2 ..yes leau 1,u bump cursor bsr SCSPACE clear a space inc 4,s keep count bra SCDELR1 SCDELR2 puls u,b,a retrieve cursor and scratch tst ,s any backspaces needed? lbne SCDLL2 ..yes puls pc,b SCSPACE lda #C$SPAC write a space lbra CHKEKO SCMLFT pshs y save path descriptor ptr lbsr SCGetDev point into device descriptor bcs SCMLFT20 ldb #PD.Mlft-PD.OPT bra SCOutX10 send it SCMLFT20 puls y retrieve PD ptr lbra SCBSP2 use backspace echo chr SCMRT pshs y save path descriptor ptr. ldb #PD.MRt-PD.OPT offset to 'move right' code SCOutX lbsr SCGetDev point into device descriptor bcs SCMRT30 SCOutX10 pshs x leax ,y point at codes with X ldy 2,s retrieve PD ptr lda b,x get code bpl SCMRT20 anda #$7F clear high bit pshs a save code lda PD.LdOut-PD.OPT,X get lead-in chr beq SCMRT10 skip if none bsr OUTCHR Print lead-out character SCMRT10 puls a SCMRT20 bsr OUTCHR Print character SCMRT30 puls pc,y,x SCRT bsr SCChkE at end of line? bcc SCRT20 bsr SCMRT bcs SCRT10 leau 1,u bump the cursor SCRT10 rts SCRT20 tfr u,d calculate chrs to move back.. subd PD.BUF,y beq SCRT10 pshs b ldu PD.BUF,y bra SCDLL2 move to start of line SCLFT cmpu PD.BUF,y at start of line? beq SCLFT20 ..yes; move to end of line bsr SCMLFT move back one bcs SCLFT10 skip if couldn't leau -1,u update cursor SCLFT10 rts SCLFT20 bsr SCChkE at end of line? beq SCLFT30 ..yes; finished leau 1,u bump cursor bsr SCMRT move right one bcc SCLFT20 repeat if OK SCLFT30 rts
endc ifne EXTEND
SCDEL9 ldx PD.BUF,y reset EOL ptr tfr x,u and cursor
endc rts ifne EXTEND
SCBSP cmpu PD.BUF,y at start beq SCLFT30 ..yes; return bsr SCChkE at end of line? bne SCDLLF; delete left
endc leau -1,u leax -1,x tst PD.BSO,y beq SCBSP2 bsr SCBSP2 ifne EXTEND
lbsr SCSPACE send space
endc SCBSP2 lda PD.BSE,y Get backspace echo char ifne EXTEND
OUTCHR lbra EKOBYT Print character
endc ifne EXTEND
SCChkE lbra SCChkEol * Delete left one SCDLLF lbsr SCMLFT leau -1,u SCDL pshs u SCDLL1 lda 1,u sta ,u+ bsr SCChkE bcs SCDLL1 puls u leax -1,x bsr SCShLn SCDL1 incb pshs b lbsr SCSPACE SCDLL2 lbsr SCMLFT dec ,s bne SCDLL2 puls pc,a * Delete character under cursor SCDLRT bsr SCChkE at end of line? bcc SCDLR1 leax -1,x clrb bsr SCChkE bcc SCDL1 leax 1,x bra SCDL SCDLR1 rts * Display to end of line SCShLn clrb clear byte count pshs u,b save count and U SCShL1 bsr SCChkE end of line? bcc SCShL2 ..yes lda ,u+ get a chr cmpa #C$CR done? beq SCShL2 ..yes lbsr CHKEKO display the chr inc ,s keep count bra SCShL1 SCShL2 puls pc,u,b return with forward count * Insert a character into the buffer SCINS bsr SCChkE at end of line? bcs SCINS1 sta ,u+ put chr in buffer leax 1,x bump EOL ptr lbra CHKEKO and echo the chr SCINS1 pshs u save cursor position leau ,x point at end of line SCINS3 ldb ,-U move chrs right one stb 1,u cmpu ,s done? bne SCINS3; loop leas 2,s return scratch sta ,u put chr in buffer leax 1,x increment EOL ptr bsr SCShLn display to end of line leau 1,u move cursor forward one decb one less backspace pshs B save count bra SCDLL2 end move back to cursor position
endc EKOCR lda #C$CR lbra EKOBYT ifne EXTEND
SCPRNT lbsr SCMKEL mark end of line
endc ifne EXTEND
lbsr SCDEL9 reset buffer ptr, count
endc SCPRT1 lbsr EKOCHR Print one char ifne EXTEND
SCRPET ldx 2,s get max EOL bsr SCShLn display rest of line clra pshs u addd ,s++ tfr d,x put in X leau ,x and U, cursor ptr rts
endc ifne MACROS
* Check character against macro table SCChkMac pshs x,a save EOL ptr and chr lbsr SCFMac macro key? bcc SCRd80 ..yes puls x,a retrieve EOL ptr and chr lbra SCRd35 SCRd80 leas 1,s ditch chr pshs x,b save macro ptr and byte count ldx 3,s get EOL ptr abx add in count cmpx 5,s room in buffer? bcs SCRd87 ..yes leas 3,s ditch scratch puls x retrieve EOL ptr lbra SCRd37 ..line overflow SCRd87 pshs u save buffer ptr cmpu 5,s at end of line? bcc SCRd95 ..yes; no copy ldu 5,s get EOL ptr tfr u,d put in d subd ,s calculate chrs to move SCRd88 lda ,-u copy chrs forward sta ,-x decb bne SCRd88 ldu ,s retrieve buffer ptr ldb 2,s and byte count SCRd95 ldx 3,s get macro ptr SCRd100 lda ,x+ copy the macro sta ,u+ (updates buffer ptr too) decb bne SCRd100 ldx 5,s get EOL ptr ldb 2,s retrieve byte count abx update EOL ptr stu 3,s save new buffer ptr ldu ,s retrieve old ptr lbsr SCShLn display the line subb 2,s need to move back? beq SCRd110 bsr SCRd120 move back to cursor position SCRd110 ldu 3,s retrieve new buffer ptr leas 7,s ditch scratch lbra SCRd20 and go for next chr SCRd120 pshs b push byte count lbra SCDLL2 move back
endc *************** * GetChr * get one character from Input device * Passed: (Y)=File Descriptor address * returns: (A)=char * (B)=error, cc set if error GetDv2 pshs u,y,x ldx PD.FST,y ldu PD.DEV,y bra GetChr1 GetChr pshs u,y,x ldx PD.DEV,y ldu PD.FST,y beq GetChr2 GetChr1 ldu $02,u ldb PD.PAG,y stb V.LINE,u GetChr2 leax ,x beq GetChr3 tfr u,d ldu V$STAT,x std V.DEV2,u ldu #D$READ lbsr IOEXEC GetChr3 puls pc,u,y,x *************** * UPCASE * Convert lower-case to upper-case * Passed: (A)=char * (Y)=PD * Returns: (A)=upcased * Destroys: none UPCASE tst PD.UPC,y uppercase only? beq UPCAS9 cmpa #'a bcs UPCAS9 cmpa #'z bhi UPCAS9 suba #'a-'A convert to uppercase UPCAS9 rts * Check for printable character CHKEKO tst PD.EKO,y Echo turned on? beq UPCAS9 EKOCHR cmpa #$7F bcc EKOCH2 cmpa #$20 bcc EKOBYT Print character cmpa #$0D bne EKOCH2 EKOBYT lbra PutDv2 Print character * Non-printable character EKOCH2 pshs a Save code lda #'. bsr EKOBYT Print character puls pc,a *************** * Subroutine RetData * Return Data to User's address space * * Passed: (X)=Bytecount * (Y)=PD ptrs RetData pshs y,x ldd ,s beq RetDat30 tstb bne RetDat10 deca RetDat10 clrb ldu $06,y ldu $04,u leau d,u clra ldb 1,s bne RetDat20 inca RetDat20 pshs b,a lda D.SysTsk ldx D.Proc ldb $06,x ldx $08,y puls y os9 F$Move RetDat30 puls pc,y,x ***************** * IODONE IODONE ldx D.Proc lda P$ID,x ldx PD.DEV,y bsr IODO10 ldx $0A,y IODO10 beq IODO90 ldx $02,x cmpa $04,x bne IODO90 clr $04,x IODO90 rts GetDev pshs X,A save P$ID, Dev Tbl ptr ldx V$STAT,x get ptr to device static storage lda V.Busy,x is device busy? beq GetDev10; return cmpa 0,s current process owned? beq GetDev20 ..yes; return pshs a save device owner bsr IODONE release devices puls a restore device owner os9 F$IOQu sleep until device is available inc PD.MIN,y ldx D.Proc ldb P$Signal,X is it wake-up? puls x,a beq GetDev ..yes; try again coma rts return signal as error GetDev10 lda 0,s sta V.Busy,x mark device as owned sta V.LPRC,x lda PD.PSC,y sta V.PCHR,x initialize pause char ldd PD.INT,y std V.INTR,x initialize Interrupt, Abort chars ldd PD.XON,y std V.XON,x initialize XON, XOFF chars lda PD.PAR,y reset device type beq GetDev20 sta V.Type,x GetDev20 clra puls pc,x,a SCALOC ldx D.Proc lda P$ID,x get current process ID clr PD.MIN,y ldx PD.DEV,y bsr GetDev allocate Input device bcs SCAL90 ldx PD.DV2,y beq SCAL20 bsr GetDev allocate output device bcs SCAL90 SCAL20 tst PD.MIN,y ..devices mine? bne SCALOC; try again clr PD.RAW,y init to cooked mode SCAL90 ldu PD.RGS,y rts ttl Output Routines page *************** * SCWrLine * Process Write Line Request * Passed: (Y)= Path Descriptor ptr SCWrLine bsr SCALOC get I/O devices bra SCWrit00 write line *************** * SCWrite * Write Characters to Output device * Passed: (Y)=File Descriptor address SCWrite bsr SCALOC get I/O devices inc PD.RAW,y write mode (don't cook CR) SCWrit00 ldx R$Y,u get caller's byte count beq SCWrit99 none; return (have gained last CTL of device) pshs x save byte count ldx #0 clear byte count bra SCWrit20 SCWrit10 tfr U,D copy byte count tstb end of buffer? bne SCWrit40 branch if not SCWrit20 pshs y,x save registers ldd 0,s get byte count ldu PD.Rgs,y get registers ptr ldx R$X,u get source ptr leax d,x get current ptr ldd R$Y,u get byte count subd 0,s get bytes remaining cmpd #OutBfSiz more than one "chunk"? bls SCWrit30 branch if not ldd #OutBfSiz set max byte count SCWrit30 pshs D save byte count ldd PD.Buf,y get buffer ptr inca end of buffer + 1 subd 0,s minus bytes to read tfr D,U (U)=destination ptr lda #C$CR mark end of buffer sta -1,u ldy D.Proc get process ptr lda P$Task,y get process task ldb D.SysTsk get system task number puls y retrieve byte count os9 F$Move get user data puls y,x retrieve registers SCWrit40 lda ,u+ get next output character tst PD.RAW,y cooked mode? bne SCWrit50 * anda #$7F used to strip high order bit lbsr UPCASE check for uppercase convert cmpa #C$LF bne SCWrit50 lda #C$CR output EOL for line feeds tst PD.ALF,y auto line feed on? bne SCWrit50 ..Yes bsr PutChr output CR bcs SCWrErr abort if write error lda #C$LF SCWrit50 bsr PutChr put char in output buffer bcs SCWrErr exit if write error leax 1,x count byte cmpx 0,s written enough? bcc SCWrit60 branch if so lda -1,u get last char beq SCWrit10 nulls can't be end of lines cmpa PD.EOR,y end of line? bne SCWrit10; loop tst PD.RAW,y write line mode? bne SCWrit10; loop SCWrit60 leas 2,s return scratch SCWrit70 ldu PD.RGS,y get registers ptr stx R$Y,u return to user SCWrit99 lbra IODONE SCWrErr leas 2,s return scratch pshs b,cc save error status bsr SCWrit70 return byte count sent puls pc,b,cc return error status page *************** * PutChr * put character in output buffer PutDv2 pshs u,x,a ldx PD.DV2,y beq PutChr9 tst PD.RAW,y bne PutChr2 cmpa #$0D bne PutChr2 bra PutChr17 PutChr pshs u,x,a ldx PD.DEV,y tst PD.RAW,y bne PutChr2 cmpa #C$CR bne PutChr2 ldu V$STAT,x tst V.PAUS,u bne PutChr1 tst PD.PAU,y beq PutChr17 dec V.LINE,u bne PutChr17 bra PutChr15 PutChr1 lbsr GetDv2 bcs PutChr15 cmpa PD.PSC,y bne PutChr1 PutChr15 lbsr GetDv2 cmpa PD.PSC,y beq PutChr15 PutChr17 ldu V$STAT,x clr V.PAUS,u lda #C$CR bsr WrChar ********** * tst PD.RAW,Y "cooked" mode? * bne PutChr9; just return ********** *************** * EOL . Process end of line functions * Passed: (X)=Device Table ptr * (Y)= Path Descriptor * returns: B,CC=error code (if error) * Destroys: A EOL ldb PD.NUL,y pshs b tst PD.ALF,y Add linefeed? beq EOL1 lda #$0A EOL0 bsr WrChar bcs EOL2 EOL1 lda #$00 dec ,s bpl EOL0 clra EOL2 leas 1,s PutChr9 puls pc,u,x,a return PutChr2 bsr WrChar write character puls pc,u,x,a WrChar ldu #D$WRIT *************** * IOEXEC * Execute SCF Device's Read/Write routine * Passed: (A)=output char (write) * (X)=Device Table entry ptr * (Y)= Path Descriptor ptr * (U)=offset of routine (D$ReaD, D$Write) * returns: (A)=Input char (read) * (B)=error code, C=set if error * Destroys: B,CC IOEXEC pshs u,y,x,a ldu V$STAT,x clr V.WAKE,u ldx V$DRIV,x ldd M$Exec,x addd $05,s leax d,x lda ,s+ jsr 0,x puls pc,u,y,x emod Module CRC SCFEnd equ *