The GMX boot disk was recovered from an Internet archive. The distribution is notable for the fact that some utilities are designed for an 80-column terminal. This applies to Dir, Mdir, Login etc.
For ImageDisk packaged files, see my IMD repository.
- Empty formatted disk (GMX_SSSD_80_Empty-hfe.zip) (33,514 bytes)
- FM format, single density, single-sided, 80 tracks, 10 sectors/track, Interleave 3.
- Empty formatted disk (GMX_DSDD_80_T0SD.Empty-hfe.zip) (55,237 bytes)
- Dual-sided, 80 tracks, 16 sectors/track. GMX formats track 0 on side 1 as single-density (FM) format with 10 sectors and all other tracks as MFM format with 16 sectors. This is done to be compatible with older floppy disks.
- GIMIX 2-Port RS-232 Serial Interface (GIMIX 2-Port RS-232 Serial.pdf) (1,135,327 bytes)
- GIMIX 6809+ CPU Board (GIMIX_6809_CPU.pdf) (5,369,897 bytes)
- GIMIX DMA Double Density Disk Controller #68 (GIMIX DMA Disk Controller.pdf) (3,449,011 bytes)
- GIMIX DMA III Disk Controller #68 Schematic (GIMIX DMA III Disk Controller Schematic.pdf) (182,469 bytes)
- GIMIX DMA III Double Density Disk Controller #68 (GIMIX DMA III Disk Controller.pdf) (1,098,632 bytes)
- GIMIX DMA SASI Interface Board Users Manual (GIMIX DMA SASI Interface Board.pdf) (464,642 bytes)
- GIMIX System Configuration Information Dec 82 (Gimix System Configuration Information.pdf) (586,918 bytes)
- List of contents of diskette (OS9_V1.2.pdf) (213,080 bytes)
- OS-9 Boot disk for GIMIX system (OS9_GMX_V1.2.dsk) (204,800 bytes)
- This is a disk for OS-9 Level I v. 1.2.
- OS-9 GMX III Manual Addenda - Version 1.2 19830914 REV J (OS-9 GMX III Manual Addenda.pdf) (1,034,119 bytes)
- OS-9 GMX III Support ROM - Users Manual - REV C (OS-9 GMX III Support ROM.pdf) (346,578 bytes)
- OS-9 Version 1.2 Announcement (GIMIX_OS-9_Ver_1.2_Ann.pdf) (437,712 bytes)
- Reading and Writing Color Computer OS-9 Disks on GIMIX OS-9 Systems - REV B.pdf (Reading and Writing Color Computer OS-9 Disks on GIMIX OS-9 Systems - REV B.pdf) (62,384 bytes)
- Software: BASIC09 for GMX (GMX_SSSD_80_Basic-hfe.zip) (158,075 bytes)
- Contains Basic09, RunB, various utilities and example BASIC programs.
- Software: Dynacalc 4.7.3 (GMX_SSSD_80_Dynacalc-hfe.zip) (95,307 bytes)
- Configured for VT100/ANSI terminal
- Software: Stylograph for GMX (GMX_SSSD_80_Stylo-hfe.zip) (85,009 bytes)
- Configured for VT100/ANSI terminal
- Software: Various tools - asm, date, setime, kermit, archivers (GMX_SSSD_80_Tools-hfe.zip) (216,307 bytes)
- Y2K updates
The GIMIX Inc. company was located at: 1337 W. 37th, Place, Chicago, IL 60609.
Level 1 ROMs
The only OS-9 software that has been saved for GIMIX is a boot floppy disk and two sets of ROMs for respectively Level I system version 1.1 and version 1.2. GIMIX is however a profile on Microware's source code disk and it was also possible for me to assemble a new kernel for version 1.2. The profile assumes a RAM limit at address $E000, a 58167 real time clock device at $E231 and will initialize a DAT register located from $FFF0 to $FFFF.
- OS9p1 boot rom - level 1 v. 1.1 (os9p1-l1v11.bin) (2,048 bytes)
- Part 1 of the kernel to be available in ROM at address $F800. This is a module from OS-9 version 1.1. It can also be found on the Internet under the name os9l1v11.u6
- OS9p1 boot rom - level 1 v. 1.2 (OS-9_GMX_1_v1.2_p1_1982_msc.bin) (2,048 bytes)
- Part 1 of the kernel to be available in ROM at address $F800. This is a module from OS-9 version 1.2. It was extracted from a ROM. The only difference from os9p1-l1v12.bin is in the DAT initialisation. If a DAT is present, then the devices are to be available at $0E000 and the kernel at $0F000.
- OS9p1 boot rom - level 1 v. 1.2 (os9p1-l1v12.bin) (2,048 bytes)
- Part 1 of the kernel to be available in ROM at address $F800. This is a module from OS-9 version 1.2. This module has been built from the OS-9 source distribution. It is to be used when a DAT is present and the devices are located at $FE000 and the kernel at $FF000.
- OS9p2, Init and Boot - level 1 v. 1.1 (os9p2-l1v11.bin) (2,048 bytes)
- Part 2 of the kernel to be available in ROM at address $F000. The Boot module will load the rest of the kernel from a GIMIX #68 floppy disk device. This is a module from OS-9 version 1.1. It can also be found under the name os9l1v12.u7
- OS9p2, Init and Boot - level 1 v. 1.2 (OS-9_GMX_1_v1.2_p2-68_1982_msc.bin) (2,048 bytes)
- Part 2 of the kernel to be available in ROM at address $F000. The Boot module will load the rest of the kernel from a GIMIX #68 floppy disk device. The only difference from os9p2-l1v12.bin is that the Boot module has a higher edition number and is 15 bytes longer.
- OS9p2, Init and Boot - level 1 v. 1.2 (os9p2-l1v12.bin) (1,876 bytes)
- Part 2 of the kernel to be available in ROM at address $F000. The Boot module will load the rest of the kernel from a GIMIX #68 floppy disk device. These modules have been built from the OS-9 source distribution. Note that it is not padded like the others to be 2048 bytes.
Level 2 ROM
OS-9 Level 2 is for computers with 128 KB RAM or more. It allows full use of the 64 KB address space for each process.